Life in Small town Taiwan
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My home - Er-shui

my house

Here's some photos from around my little village...

Er-Shui is a little farming community with one 7-11, no McDonalds and a train station. If you've ever lived in Taiwan, that's all the explanation you need. It's about an hour by train south of Taichung almost exactly between Yuan-lin and Tou-Liu (Do-Leo).


On every corner in Taiwan there's a 7-11. On every other corner, there's a temple.


Some strange things go on in these temples. I've seen people posessed, and people catatonic, and people keening and whipping themselves till they bleed. There's probably a perfectly good explanation for it all, if only someone could explain it.
No stranger than consuming the body and blood of Christ I suppose though, eh?


The chinese graveyard is actually a beautiful site. Each grave is like a small shrine to the individual.





Night markets are our only source of evening entertainment here in Er-shui, mostly because we haven't actually tried shrimp fishing yet...

Wildflowers of central Taiwan

A beach house; Actual size=240 pixels wide

... but not really "near" my house.


