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Holiday in Bali

So we got a month off for Chinese New Year and rather than spend it enjoying a bit of Chinese culture I flew away to Denpasar...


I spent a whole day in Bali before I realized that it was way too much for me. I ran off to Lombok, the next island to the east and as usual, immediately met someone willing to share a hut with me.


The bulk of my time on Trawangan was spent with William, the Viking - A Swedish rock star and photographer.

More rambling from the pages of my journal


Indo.... it grows on you like a sun spot. Your first impression is the heat. Intense. The smell of cloves, the call fo the hawkers, the buzz of the long-haired mosquito. It gets under your skin and singes you.... but that fix is satisfied at least. Termia Kasih, Mata hari - Thank you, Sun!
The mosquitos swarm - each one trying to get a good poke at a white chick - we're so easy. You love to complain about it, like a bad sunburn - but it makes you feel special - it makes you feel pretty. Anyway, its your own fault for not covering up. For leaving all that white skin exposed.
Once you get a base (after awhile) the sting goes away. The angry red fades to dark brown... like their eyes... and your left with that mark , that freckle that may stay with you forever, to regard with maybe a little dismay... but which has become a part of you.
Indo is like that.

In Lombok I stayed on Gili Trawangan. It's a beautiful little island that you can walk all the way around in a couple of hours. There are no motorised vehicles on Trawangan, but instead there are little pony carts that can take you from place to place.


Indonesian sunsets are the best I've ever seen. Above is Willam photographing the sunset over Bali in the distance... seen from Lombok.
Below is William again, and the sunset.
