Life in Small town Taiwan
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Taiwan sites - Alishan

Despite my moaning, there are some pretty places...

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This is the giant cedar forest on Alishan (Ali Mountain!). I love trees that reduce me to faery-size!


Alishan tracks

There's a cute little train that takes you up the mountain, here's my flatmate Ben, risking life and limb crossing a bridge.


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And here are the three of us, thanks to some passing hikers. If there's one thing the Taiwanese are very good at, it's taking pictures on holiday!

Tips for travel:

Book a room in advance!! (if you're going on the weekend)

We found a couple spots with rooms available, all for about 2000-3000NT (100-150 $CDN). Luckily, Ben had the forsight to book a room at the Catholic Hostel for us (not cheap at 1800NT).

There are some "hostels" there, but I'm not sure how you go about booking a room... they were all full when we arrived.

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Alishan weekend

I took a quick trip with my ex-flatmate Ben and friend Adam to Alishan. This is one of Taiwan's highest tourist destinations.

The Cedar forest is fantastic, and the air is cool and relatively fresh.

We hopped on the little toy train that winds its way up the mountain through little towns and beautiful passes.

click for full sized pic.

The sunset from the "peak" is meant to be spectacular... this is not it. (it's a 4:45am wake-up call... are you crazy???)

This is the sunset the night before... LUCKY LUCKY US!!