Life in Small town Taiwan
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Here are a few of the people I spent the year with...

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Happy Recruits

12 of these people came to Taiwan in September; 3 of them were here for six moths before us; one of them is our boss.
3 of these are presently full-time employed by ESL Taiwan. 7 of them have fled alltogether, the rest are employed part-time.

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Ben from L.A. (looks it doesn't he?)

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This is Tara from N.S. Canada. She and Sarah and I are the original Shangrilas who stuck it out the WHOLE time... ugh.

Duff... click!

Duff... who I brought over to help me cope with everything. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have lasted out my contract... December was getting pretty rocky.

Frank & Dogma.... click!

frank ktv-ing... click!

Frank has recently reminded me that he saved my life here... so I thought I'd better mention it. Sunday drives on the back of his scooter both kept me sane and added to my grey hair problem.

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The original roomies, Tara, Sarah, Adrienne and myself

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Me - taken at Hallowe'en.

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Sarah from Ontario. She'd been doing this in Korea for 2 years before coming here. Her sister Adrienne got totally shafted by our company.

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Here's Maow (chinese for "cat"). He comes from Er-shui railway station. He's a mighty hunter and cry-baby... he's sitting in my bedroom thinking about attacking something.

tara & maow

Tara and Maow here on the left, and below... most of the Er-shui gang saying goodbye to Adrienne... smart lady!


tara, jen, scott

Tara with our Neighbours Jen and Scott.