Alison's Adventures in Wonderland


Photos from home

Jay and Kim's Wedding: Some shots of the gang at the Summer 2000 Event!
Home albums: albums of pictures from around eastern Canada

Photos from away

New Zealand : pics taken in Oct-Dec 1996 in Kiwi land
Australia: pics taken in Dec'96-Sept'97 in Oz
Middle East: only Israel and Sinai actually (New Year 2000), these are kept on Gradfinder... if you want to know where all our schoolmates are look around here
Cambodia's Angkor: Angkor Wat and surrounds... amazing! (1999) Album is on
Laos: What more to say? (1999) Album is on
Mexico & Guatemala: this is actually a link to my journal, I don't have a photo album up yet. (2000)

Anything you can offer with regard to these album types would be appreciated. What works, what doesn't etc... Feel free to comment on how talented and interesting and beautiful I am too...

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