AvivA's Insights - Life, the Universe.... Everything

Basically, I'll summarize the ideas that came to me as I watched the dolphins play off the beach at Byron Bay, Australia...

Dolphins are the observers, the overseers, the "Gods" if you must. They have come from the Sirius star system and we are an experiment in evolution. Eventually, of course, we will evolve into dolphins (or something very much like dolphins).

Who do I think I am coming up with that nonsense????

Kay, well, the “evidence” I have is sketchy at best… but because I really like the idea, I’ll choose to go with it.

First of all, it’s pretty obvious to me that dolphins are much more intelligent than us.  I’m not going to go into the tirade.  The arguments are endless on both sides.  My choice is: Yes, definitely more intelligent.  Thing is, if an entity is less intelligent, does it have the intelligence to recognise higher intelligence???  Urk?!

Here’s some links to other people who think there’s more to dolphins than our puny little brains can grasp:

http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/dolphins.html : this is a really long piece with some interesting bits. Looks at the possibility that dolphins are Greys (aliens)…. Hm, interesting concept.

http://www.polaris.net/%7Erblacks/dolphins.htm :maybe dolphins grin because they know your language, and are waiting for you to learn theirs…

http://www.arrakis.com.au/ais%5Fusers/zan/dolphinevo.html dolphins in their natural environment  A little evolution…


Why do you say Sirius?

Next we have the whole Sirius issue.  Sirius is a star commonly referred to as the Dog Star.  The Dogon tribes of Timbuktu seem to have known an awful lot about this star system  long before technology would allow them to know it…. Here’s some much better explanations.

Dogon myth: Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are

http://www.crystalinks.com/sirius.html : Sirius Stuff

http://www.cristalweb.com/ethno/dogon.html : an easy to follow,  straightforward look at the mystery.

http://members.xoom.com/ligibbon/dogon.htm : another account of the mystery.

The long story : a very long and thorough explanation with more links.  Includes scepticism.

Weirdness : weird graphic of a Nommo and the summarised story.

Sceptics: Claims shot down… ?

And again: : another attempt to shoot down the theories.

Links & Info someone, who probably, like me is a bit interested in it all and put together some links & info.


SO What’s the Point?? How does this fit with dolphins??

Well, basically, if the Dogons met amphibious creatures who live in water from Sirius, then OF COURSE, the dolphins are a descendant or form of these creatures.

Also, it might be noteworthy that the Dogon tribes are probably descendants of  Egyptians who also have mystery surrounding alien relations:

Ancient Egypt and Orion : shows how Orion’s belt and the pyramids seem to line up.

Sphinx on Mars: The mystery…

If  you aren’t convinced, I hope you are at least charmed.  It is lovely, I think.

These are books that have inspired some of my thoughts and research on the subject.  They can all be found at Amazon

AvivA's Insights are based on several sources and are in no way intended to be original (only thought provoking and inspirational)

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