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Taiwan Sites - Kenting

I wouldn't have made it without this getaway spot...

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The trials of living in Taiwan demand a relaxation spot, and Kenting is it.

You almost forget you're in Taiwan for awhile, people are chilled out, smiling, taking their time...

Much needed downtime.


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Did I say... ALMOST forget its Taiwan???
This is the most popular beach in Kenting, and there, just in the backround, is the nuclear power plant.


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Here I am hiding in a cave 'coz I don't want to go back "home"


Travel Tips:

There are several options for staying cheaply.
Number one cheapest is camping on the beach. There is a small beach accross the street from the Ceasar Hotel. This is actually the only public beach within a walk of Kenting proper. Don't listen to people when they tell you camping is illegal... go off to the south end behind the rocks... no one will hastle you.

At 300NT a night are the TeePee place, The Beach (on Nanwan) and the Catholic Hostel.

For eats there are several great options, the best of which I think is The Cactus Cafe... Mexican, with great Oreo shakes, and amazing bean burritos. It's on the secodary street down the road from the TeePees.

If you want to hire a scooter, you should be able to get one for about 350-400/day (provided it's not Spring Scream time).

Getting one is recommended, so you can get to Baisha - a big white sandy beach good for swimming (slightly north up the West coast) and Jaileshui- a big rough rocky beach good for surfing (slightly north up the East coast).

Spring Scream


Spring Scream is a huge-mungous music festival that happens every year in Kenting. People filter into the area throughout the week for the party that starts on Thursday.

I was lucky enough to be there a week early and got to enjoy Kenting before it got crazy.


This is a picture by Ariel, she's got a great site full of amazing photos...

Arials photos link

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This is another of Ariel's. "Milk" is my favorite Taiwan band... though they are mostly foreigners. Fantastic funky jammin' style you can't help dancing to.